We have compiled an extensive list of UK schools by geographical area, that offer Music Aptitude Tests as part of their secondary transfer process.
Please scroll down to find the school in your area that offers music scholar places for year 7 admission under the music criterion.
South West Hertfordshire
There are seven schools in the area that offer the South West Hertfordshire Consortium music aptitude test.
This page lists the six Hertfordshire music aptitude test schools that are outside the South West Hertfordshire Schools Consortium.
West & South England
This page lists the four West and South England music aptitude test schools (in Bristol, Southampton and Slough).
This page lists the eight Essex music aptitude test schools.
North West England
This page lists the eight Essex music test schools.
This page lists the eight Midlands music aptitude test schools.
This page lists Wymondham College, the music aptitude test school in Norfolk.
This page lists the three Buckinghamshire schools offering the music aptitude test school.